Is Pool Salt the Same as Water Softener Salt?

pool salt water softener salt

Pool salt and water softener salt are not the same, but it’s important to know what they both do.

This article will explain what pool salt and water softener salt are, the differences between them, and which one you should use for your needs.

What is a pool salt?

Pool salt is a type of salt that is used to lower the pH level in swimming pools. It also helps with water clarity and clears up cloudy water, but it does not affect the amount of calcium or magnesium in your pool.

To use pool salt, simply pour the required amount of the product into a skimmer box that is connected to your pool’s filter system. Once the salt has dissolved in the water, it enters your filtration system and lowers the pH level.

What is a water softener salt?

A water softener salt is one that is used to soften the hard water in your home. It does this by taking out minerals such as calcium and magnesium which causes the hard feeling on skin and clothes.

The most common way to use a water softener salt is with a brine tank. The salt must be held inside of the brine tank before it can be used. Each time you take a shower, clothes are washed, or water goes through your washing machine, the salt is added to the system. Once it has softened all of the water in your home, you will need to refill the brine tank with more salt.

Can you interchange water softener salt and pool salt?

No. You cannot interchange water softener salt and pool salt because they are both used for different purposes.

Pool salt contains calcium chloride or sodium chloride (NaCl) which lowers the pH level of the water in your pool. When the pH levels are lowered, it causes cloudy or hazy waters to clear up.

Water softening agents are strictly used to soften hard water that passes through your system. These products include common table salt and potassium chloride. Water softeners do not bring down the alkalinity of water.

However, you may interchange under certain circumstances, but by and large you should use only for the purpose for which it was manufactured.


Pool salt and water softener salt are not the same, but it’s important to know what they both do. Pool salt is used to lower the pH level in swimming pools while water softener salt contains minerals that are used for creating soft water.

The two cannot be interchanged as they serve different purposes. To avoid over-salting your pool, you should consult a professional prior to adding any type of salt into your system.