Is a Water Softener Worth It & Does It Add Value to Your Home?

is water softener worth it

It’s no secret that showering in hard water can have some adverse effects on your skin, hair, and the overall condition of your body. But many people are hesitant to invest in a water softener because they believe that they’re too costly or time-consuming to install. However, there are many benefits that come with owning one not just for yourself but also for the environment. Let’s explore what everyone ought to know about this much needed appliance.

What are the benefits of owning a water softener?

Water softeners can benefit you in many ways, some of which are given below.

Softer skin and hair – Hard water can strip away precious oils from your skin and hair. When these natural oils (sebum) leave, your skin becomes dry and itchy. Softened water won’t remove these oils, but it will help you to keep them, making it much easier for your skin and hair to retain its natural moisture.

Cleaner clothes – Softened water does a better job removing soap residue than hard water does. This means that your laundry detergent can do its job more effectively, which means cleaner clothes. It also means that the synthetic fibers in your clothing will retain their color much longer than they would otherwise.

Less wear on appliances – While you’re not going to see a huge difference, softened water does prolong the life of plumbing fixtures, faucets, and other household appliances that are subject to hard water. When your washing machine or dishwasher uses softer water instead of harder water, it simply works better.

Less soap required -You’ll use less laundry detergent and dish-washing detergents when your water is soft. This means that you’re going to spend less money on household products. It also means that fewer chemicals will enter the environment as a result of manufacturing more detergents.

Easier cleanup – Softened water naturally cuts through grease and soap. This makes it a great choice for washing your dishes or laundry during parties or extra-dirty days.

Easier on the environment – While it may not seem like much, softening your household water can make a big difference in the environment. The average American uses as many as 29,000 gallons of water per year to shower, wash dishes, and do laundry. If each household in the country replaced just one softening system, nearly 2 billion pounds of salt could be eliminated from our landfills.

How much does a water softener cost?

A water softener can cost anywhere from $200 to $3,000 depending on your needs and the size of your home. It’s a good idea to shop around and compare prices before you buy one. If you’re handy with tools or enjoy doing some plumbing work, then it shouldn’t be any problem for you to install one yourself. Otherwise, many companies offer installation as an add-on service so that you don’t have to worry about a thing.

Is it difficult to install a water softener?

Softening your water is much easier than you might think. Unlike other appliances, a water softener can be installed in just three simple steps:

After purchasing the system and bringing it home, you’ll install the brine solution tank. This tank contains saltwater, also called brine. Brine solution activates the ion-exchange resin bed inside of the tank. The second step involves setting up the ion-exchange resin bed before you’re ready to use your softened water. This is a really easy step, as all you have to do is fill the tank with fresh water and let it pass through the resin beads. When it comes time to actually use your softened water, simply divert it to where you want to use the water.

Who should buy a water softener?

The short answer is everyone who owns a home. But if you’re looking for reasons why it’s especially beneficial to live in one household that has softened water, then here are three simple ones:

You’ll save money by using less soap and detergent.

Your skin will be softer, thanks to the natural oils in your body that will not be stripped during bathing.

You’ll help to keep the environment clean by reducing the consumption of saltwater and synthetic detergents.

What are the common misconceptions about water softeners?

There are many misconceptions about water softeners. Here’s a quick rundown of the top ones:

It will harm my plumbing: This is one of the biggest fears that people have when it comes to owning a water softener system. In reality, softened water has no adverse effects on your pipes or fixtures. In fact, using less soap and detergent can improve the life span of your household appliances and plumbing.

Softened water isn’t safe: Once again, this is another misconception that comes from a lack of knowledge about how softeners work. In reality, softened water actually contains less dissolved minerals than unsoftened water. This means that softened water is actually safer to drink than unsoftened water.

It will take too much time to install: Installing a water softener is actually quite easy. Many models are designed for D.I.Y. enthusiasts who can easily install them with their own hands in less than an hour’s time. If you need some help, however, there are always installation crews that can help you with the process.

It’s too costly to afford: First of all, it is important to note that this isn’t always true. There are plenty of water softeners out there that offer their services at affordable rates. As long as you shop around and compare prices, then you should be able to find a model that fits into your budget.

If you want to learn more about water softeners, then be sure to check out the blog on our official website. There are many informative articles that will teach you everything you need to know about owning a water softener.


A water softener is an incredibly beneficial appliance for every home. Not only will it help you to save money, but it will also make your skin look and feel healthier as well as protect the environment from unnecessary waste. It’s easy to install and affordable too. All of these features combine to create a product that just about everyone could use right now. So why not consider getting one for yourself?